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Can you believe how markets and social conventions made us to use pink and blue for our babies? I say “GIVE IT UP” break out from this madness. There is so many beautiful colors out there and I’m sure you have your favorites but when it comes to the shopping you simply can’t find anything else than baby pink and baby blue.
As you could see on number of my previous posts my baby daughter, who was born few months ago, got a number of lovely items in light purple. I have few pictures with some of them.
Don’t you think it is lovely? If you would like to get a purple collection of items in the best baby store or even on line it would be rather difficult not mentioning quite expensive. I have tried really hard to find some purple items in the local shops and I have finally ended up sewing everything myself.
I have decided to start campaign against baby pink and baby blue. I’m asking you what is your favorite color? Maybe orange or red? Close your eyes and imagine your baby’s room decorated and equipped with items of green, yellow or chocolate brown.
Pick your own combination of colors if you wish and make a list of items which you would like to have. Then e-mail me or find local tailor who can make your dreams come truth.
I have been busy for last couple of weeks with new gorgeous collection.
You can see how green, yellow and just touch of blue can look like 🙂 This has been prepared for my little nephew who will come to this world in few weeks time.
I have sewn pillow case and duvet cover from soft flannel with adorable elephant pattern. Thin polar come handy for blanket and another pillow case. Baby blanket from super soft Minky is the winner!
Cotton and some decorative tape made lovely curtain (same style like purple one :)).
Final touches with little owl, bib and burp cloth.
Would you try something new for your baby? If YES, then I’m waiting for your order 🙂 you will be amazed with sawing you can make. Don’t be shy use your imagination!