Happy New Year 2017

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I would like to take an early opportunity and wish everybody Happy New Year 2017 filled with wonderful arts and crafts and sewing projects. Make the longest list of New Year resolutions and then fulfill half of them but the way that results will exceed expectations. Become an expert in one subject, learn something new, try one of those things you have always dreamed of trying. Don’t set any boundaries for your dreams and use your passion to make them real, it is never too late. Find your strength and build on it an empire of fantastic achievements. Find your way and make sure this is how people will remember you.

I have picked my next year inspiration: Water! This life-giving liquid which can appear in so many different forms and can “dress” in so many colors and shades will be a stunning source of creative imagination and guidelines. Think about your own inspirations? What is it? Write down what you think of and then surround yourself with objects which are going to drive you towards it. It will be like your “fuel station” when you fill burned out.

Heaving a great year is in the power of our minds and our hands. Celebrate life with your friends and family! Be optimistic and carry on and if you “fall” make sure to give a chance to the others to lift you up.

Best wishes from Kate and The One With Art to all of the readers and supporters.

Your Best Of 2016

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I’m really surprised to hear how difficult 2016 was and I do agree that many horrible things have happened in global politics, economy, and humanity. Many famous people passed away and far too many which we never knew but I know that for many people this year was also a year of babies being born and year of first true love or year of a new chance. Before you will get on your New Year resolutions try to make a list of top 10 best things which has happened to you in 2016. Take your time and try to feel it right from your heart. When you get your first 10 you will feel that you could add another 10. There are so many things to appreciate! Then make an ornament for each of them with a hidden note and year so you won’t forget. Years ahead reading those notes will bring a smile on your face that is for sure. All is about putting things and events into the perspective. But I didn’t want to start a philosophic topic here but to bring up my 3 favorite posts of this year.

IMG_6114Painting for the this year Muslim Fest was so much fun. I simply love this water lily oil painting. It reflects deep darkens of green colored water and brings so much contrast with the white flower. It looks really bold on the lightly colored wall. I have some fantastic plans for 2017 Muslim Fest too and it will be great if you can share this experience with me.

pearls bracelet (8)

This bracelet was such a good idea. It was quite a lot of work to connect all of those small pieces of chain in between but it was worth it! The result is really stunning and because of multi-color and multi-layer, I can wear it with so many different outfits. I’m planning to use this concept to some other designs and I’m sure you will like those too.

T-shirt pattern (30)How about this post with super easy pattern making? This one was really useful. I did few different designs of T-shirts for my older daughter and later I have also sewed few T-shirts for my younger one. This pattern making technique made my day and I could produce few pieces of clothes in one day. It was worth to spend some time and cut it from paper first.

I would love to know what is your best of 2016 story? Don’t be shy and share it with me or leave a comment below for all of us to enjoy it.