As I have promised I have prepared another tutorial on a double wire beaded bracelet which I have named Double Strand Crossing Bracelet to highlight the difference between those two tutorials.
You will need about half a meter long wire, locker, pearl beads and glass seed beads.You will have to prepare the wire exactly the same like we did it for the previous bracelet by securing the wire on one side of the locker with stainless steel seed which has to be squeezed with players to keep it in place.
Then we need to add 9 seed glass beads on each string and cross the wire on the pearl bead.Then you need to add another 9 seed beads on each string again and cross them on the single seed bead.
After that you will add another 9 seed beads and add another pearl bead and cross the wire through it.
You will go on with same pattern until bracelet has desired length. My pearl was about 1 cm big and it took 6 of them to complete the full size of the bracelet.
Then I have added second part of the locker and secured the wire with steel bead.
It is not to bad but I was not happy with those wires coming out from the pearls. There was no simple way to cover it up. I have tried to feed wires though singe seed which should cover top and bottom of pearls but then wire got dis-formatted and it didn’t float nicely between the pearls anymore.
Then I thought we can spice it up a bit and make same patter but in fancy setting. I have used glass beads and charm beads.
First change to the earlier pattern is that instead of single seed bead to cross wires I have used two of them, one on each side of crystal bead.Another difference is that I have managed to hide the wire which is crossing the charm beads. I have added 5 beads which are going through the bead opening and both wires crossing each other at the same time while crossing inside of the charm bead.
You may have to use 5 or 6 additional seed beads inside of big bead. All dependence on the thickness of the seed beads as they are not even with each other.
This picture shows clearly how I have crossed the wires.
Then you go on and on until bracelet is finished.
It got a bit longer than the first one due to the additional crystal beads in between those big once but it was maybe 1 cm longer which doesn’t compromise functionality.
It looks better than the first one with white pearls and the pattern is so similar.
It is my new favorite one! Which double strand crossing bracelet would you prefer?
Double wire beaded bracelet is so much more fun than single wire. It opens so many new possibilities and gives much more interesting results. I got in love in it so you should expect more tutorials coming up soon.