Handmade Bread

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Welcome back to the folklore and uniqueness of beautiful Kurdistan.

I prepared short movie presenting procedure of Handmade Bread as per home recipe. This is not a usual bread recipe as you may know it. This bread is very characteristic for this region of world and tradition of making it becoming rare these days.

Please enjoy this short movie and share if you like it.

Sinbad Pants Pattern

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With hot weather comes more “at home” time. I like it so much because it gives me a chance to complete some of my projects and ideas.

This one is especially adorable because I made it for my baby girl. At the same time you can see how she grows.

sinbad pants 10This Sinbad Pants Pattern is simple and doesn’t take time due to the size, and to be honest, I like it so much I’m going to make one for myself once we are back home and I can work with my sewing machine.

This little piece was hand sew (machine which we bought here got broken) so please don’t laugh if some stitching doesn’t look straight. What is important here, that you don’t need to buy anymore pants for your baby with this easy to follow baby pants pattern. You can use almost any type of fabric ends piling up on your shelfs and result will be astonishing each time.

First you need to prepare two squares of fabric. Make it long enough to create an adorable bell shape around the ankles and wide enough to allow space for diaper and comfortable move.

My baby is 8 months old now and I have cut fabric which is L: 47 cm and W:50 cm.

sinbad pants 1To create a desired pattern I have used other pants and after putting both pieces of fabric together (left side of fabrics inside facing each other) first I have cut left side with print of back shape of pants and then right side with print of front shape of pants.

sinbad pants 2sinbad pants 3I hope you can see how left and right sides are different from each other? This will be our front and back of pants.

sinbad pants 4Now we need to stitch pieces in correct order. I have used French Stitch so pants can look pretty inside out.

sinbad pants 5We need to start from those curvy parts. The fabrics were already correctly aligned, if you have followed my instruction carefully, so you don’t have to move anything. First we stitch on the right side. Then we turn it inside and stitch on the left side.

sinbad pants 6Once both curves are done we need to turn the fabric on the right side again and open it flat to form the legs.

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We stitch it on the right side all the way and then turn on the left and stitch it all the way again. I love the French Stitch. It is so clean and organized and prevents fabric damages in the washing 🙂

sinbad pants 8

Now we need to fold ends of pants and top of it forming space for elastic. I have used elastic 0.5 cm wide for legs and 1 cm wide for waist line.

sinbad pants 9

I have put it on my little model but taking pictures was almost impossible. She has started crawling couple of weeks ago and we simply can’t hold her in place. I had to wait for a nap time and then it was much easier!:)

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Lucky girl, sleeping so nicely and peacefully. Have a sweet dream Anna!