Happy 3rd Birthday TheOneWithArt

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I’m sure it is quite funny to you that I celebrate my blog’s birthday each year but it is not so funny to me. I take it really seriously. I run some reports and do revision on this what was posted since January, and what else would be more interesting to share before year end. Happy Birthday wishes are around those areas which I feel could be worked on harder. It always helps me to re-group and focus on those projects which will be most beneficial for my readers.

I also see TheOneWithArt birthday as my reward day and I get to eat some lovely sweet. Without further do I would love to compose this year birthday wishes to TheOneWithArt on it is 3rd birthday.

I wish for better organized time line of articles, more vibrant content and more involvement in the artistic community. If this wishes come truth you will see more fantastic TheOneWithArt next year.

theonewithart-3-rd-birthdayThis chockolate cheasecake was so lovely I had to take a piece before I got to take a picture of it :). I hope you will forgive me. Thank you for coming back and checking my new posts and if you are a new reader please subscribe and have fun with TheOneWithArt.

Muslim Fest 2016

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How exciting it was to participate in the Muslim Fest 2016 Art Exhibition. You got to see my oil paintings presentation earlier so now I can tell you a bit more about the event.

I can’t appreciate enough about the high level of organization and variety of different shows starting from spoken poetry, kids songs and ending on famous singers. Food stands were fantastic and my personal favorite, clothe boutiques with middle eastern designs and fabrics didn’t let me leave empty handed.muslim-fest-2016-2I also loved the artist’s corner which was set up in front of Art Exhibit hall. Various artists got to book about 1.5 h and paint in front of live audience. As you probably know not many artists like this kind of exposure but I always say that best way to concur your fears is by facing them. I have obviously participated and got very positive feedback which is so important for artists.muslim-fest-2016-6We had to bring our supplies and small format of canvas or paper in order to complete artwork in the short time frame. This is always quite difficult. When we start painting time passes by very quickly and even small format of art can be unfinished when we concentrate on many details. I did very quick three color background and blend it with the sponge in unevenly.muslim-fest-2016-7Then I have painted lovely daisy in the middle. I wish I did a pink background in the center instead of white one then flower would be better visible. muslim-fest-2016-9Then just a signature and it’s ready!

Artist’s corner was about promoting of artists but also about promoting of art itself. I had a lot of questions from Moms asking where do I buy supplies, where to look for courses for their kids or how to even start with the introduction to art?muslim-fest-2016-8My story wouldn’t be full if I did not tell you about Parya’s this year presentation in the category of Young Artist. She has prepared two acrylic paintings with bright colors and positive theme. I can’t believe they were both ready in time for submission regardless late start. As a reward this year kids got Certificate of participation – what a good idea! We are going to frame it and hang in Parya’s room. I’m so proud of her.muslim-fest-2016-5Muslim Fest 2016 was a successful event and I have plans for next year already. I can tell you that we will see lots of beautiful landscapes from special places in the world so please mark your calendar and come to see Art Exhibit in person or keep visiting my blog and I will show you all of my paintings as well.