Pattern Making Tutorial

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pattern making (3)I have finally came to the conclusion that it is the right time to start collecting my designs in the form of patterns which can be stored in some decent way and then reused with some small adjustments. I have studied in this matter a bit just to make sure I’m not making some terrible mistakes. I prepared first sewing pattern with pictures to show you how to make a pattern from an existing clothes. This way saves a lot of frustration while trying to find right size while sewing for yourself, family or customers (especially when you are just starting up your business). I thought that pattern cutting will be rather difficult and I will probably miss out some details which will affect final result but I was mistaken. Pattern making is actually very easy and this is a truth reason of this post. I want to encourage all of you to make your own patterns and sew more beautiful clothes much quicker not mentioning they will all fit perfectly. Oh yes! I forgot that possibly most of the new tailors would start their sewing carrier from purchasing ready patterns and sewing from them. Next step would be pattern making and then sewing without patterns just from the measurements. I have started opposite way. First I have worked on sewing straight from the measurements and only now I’m doing my own patterns. To be honest with you it is simply from need of sewing faster and sewing patterns definitely helps with it. You can just imagine how fast you can cut individual pieces of top or dress when you have simple paper form to follow.pattern making (1)I have decided to cut first pattern for my daughter’s dress. I have used other dress which fits her perfectly to trace it the pattern from it. You will also need baking paper, scissors, sticky tape (just in case if need them wider) pen or marker and measuring tape.pattern making (2)I will need only single strips of paper. You need to remember that we are cutting only half of the pattern if both sides of clothing (left and right) are symmetrical. You have to make sure that edge of the paper is right in the middle of the dress and then cut external line of the clothing.pattern making (3)Please make sure you are as detailed as it can be. You have to watch for every curve or sharp edge. Please flatten the fabric of clothes you are using to make your pattern. It maybe a challenge sometimes so it is a good idea to iron clothes before copying.pattern making (4)Can you see how paper have to overlap a bit to reach stitching line of this dress? This is where paper have to be cut to make pattern correct for further stitching to meet in right way.pattern making (5)Since I have started to cut back first I need to keep line of it all the way including collar. You can see on the pictures that paper lies under full shape of the dress. This is how I have started thinking that maybe I should make a pattern for full back and front and then I have realized that only half of it needed so I have removed other half later.pattern making (6)Now we need to make front of the dress which is a bit more difficult as you can’t see all the shapes properly. This time I placed the paper over it and marked shape before I cut. I picked under and over to mark in the right spots and I have also pressed paper to fill the edge of the fabric through it.

Both parts are ready. Now I have signed them as front and back and marked width, length ect.pattern making (7)Since this dress didn’t have a sleeves (I did pick this one on purpose to have clear picture of shapes) I had to take anther top with sleeves and trace them from it. I hope you can see pen marks to trace top edge of the sleeve.pattern making (8)Now I have 3 pieces of pattern which can be adjusted if needed. For example I can shorten the sleeves for summer dress or I can change waist line from very low to tall and adding small gathering we can make a top instead of the dress.pattern making (9)Once I have completed my pattern I had to give it a try and test it out.pattern making (11)Dress came out just lovely. It fits well but I did have small problem to be fixed. Front neck line came a bit to low so I fixed it adding single gathering and pretty bottom on the top of it. pattern making (10)For next piece of clothing I have to remember to cut an inch taller neck line or I will simply re-do the front part of my pattern. Now I will use same base pattern to different types of clothes and I will show them to you for sure. If you have any questions or maybe some of my instructions were unclear please go ahead and write to me. Pattern making is not hard at all and sewing from patterns is even easier. I hope I helped you to learn how to make a pattern.

French Hook Earrings

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One of the most popular earrings on the market are French Hook Earrings. I love how simple they are and how feminine. This is why I have selected this type of earrings for my bracelet + earrings project. This is second part of tutorial on this how to make your own beaded jewellery and this time we will make second part of our set: earrings.beaded earings 5

Wouldn’t you wear it? I know it is a bit longer than your usual earrings but trust me it will not catch fabric of clothes on your shoulders or tangle in to your hair. It looks gorgeous, makes your neck looks longer and sparkle is truly hypnotizing.

We need to start with our item list. I tried to take best picture possible to show you what I used to make red earrings just this time I’m using black beads to match the bracelet which I made before.beaded earings 1First I have made middle part of earrings.beaded earings 2Two crystals on one eye-pin. You have to make sure crystals are small enough to fit on the pin and there is still some space left for second eye on the other end.beaded earings 3We obviously need two of them. Don’t get frustrated if you can’t make nicely shaped loop first time, it took me a while before I have managed to twist mine the way I liked it.beaded earings 3aNow we need to create lower bead with its decoration. You can add single silver “cup” over it or make it with two like I did but some people may feel this is too much…, it is up to you really… If you noticed there is a small silver bead on the bottom of the pin. I had to add it to keep black bead in place as pin’s head wasn’t wide enough and it was passing throughout the bead. Make a pretty loop on the end again and now we just need to connect each element.beaded earings 3cI have used 4 mm diameter jump rings in between.beaded earings 4It made two fantastic earrings. Now I have 3 sets ready and believe me or not but it takes about 10-15 minutes to make one. I had to spend more time on the pictures as photographing small shiny elements is very difficult.Crystal bracelet and earrings French hook earrings 1 French hook earringsWhich one is your favourite? Black and red are already sold. I think it proves how good idea and hot commodity it is… if you like I can make any colour specially for you or your loved one. I’m sure you agree French Hook Earrings are fashionable and elegant.

Beaded Bracelets Designs

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beaded bracelete 1We are always in the search for a good gifts ideas. When I think about what to buy for my mother or cousin I always think what I would like to get myself. These days I’m more and more involved in jewellery making and looking for inspiration here and there. I have notice how complicated it can get and if you are just a beginner in beaded jewellery you may feel intimidated and don’t even try to create something by yourself. You shouldn’t bee as even most simple project may turn in to a stunning set which your family will love to wear. You have to remember that anything hand made is in price right now. I have two part tutorial on simple wire bracelet and matching earrings for you.

I looked at many bracelets at stores and on line. They are basically a pattern of selected beads. Our preferences as a buyers are endless so do types of combinations for beaded jewellery. My beaded bracelet designs brakes one of the rules. There is no straight pattern. I have selected my favourite beads and wired them in a random order. Just because colour is same or similar it makes it to look attractive and most important is sparkle which will bring anybody’s attention.

I made a crystal white and crystal red with white before and now I will show you crystal black with touch of white step by step procedure for quick and elegant bracelet.beaded bracelete 4beaded bracelete 5First we need to start with connection of wire and locker. There are few types of wires and I was going to study about it before selecting one but finally I have realised that it doesn’t really matter. Until wire is from stainless steel or silver it will do the job for light type of bracelets like mine.

I have cut piece of wire about 7 cm longer than desired length of bracelet. You can take a measurement form your other bracelet which you have or simply wrap wire around your hand making sure it is loose enough to accommodate beads, wrist and allow you to lock it with other hand quite easily. My bracelets are 20 cm long so I had to cut about 27 cm long wire.beaded bracelete 6When you start putting on beads they should easily go over double wire as shown above.beaded bracelete 7After few beads spare wire will disappear under it. As you can see little loop over the locker ring is nit and in my opinion looks really good.

I have picture of shop bracelet just to show you how it should be secured in professional way.beaded braceleteYou can see it in the circle. Wire is white and there is a little piece of metal locked on it to prevent from moving or slipping out from the beads string. It is probably a good idea but I did make few bracelets without it and wear them for a while and didn’t have any single problem with wire going loose.beaded bracelete 13When you pulled all beads on and you are happy with their position and overall look of bracelet you need to close it on the other end.beaded bracelete 8Simply feed wire through the ring and then twist it around itself just below the ring.beaded bracelete 9Extra wire should be pushed back in to the beads. It is a bit of workout especially when you like to push through as many beads as possible but about 3 or 4 shouldn’t be a problem for anybody.beaded bracelete 10As you can see end of it can be pulled out in between the beads and the cut off carefully and hidden underneath.beaded bracelete 2Can you see it? In my opinion it looks even better than a professional bracelet example.beaded bracelete 3It was very easy and very quick, now I can make as many bracelets as I want and I’m sure there will be still some left for sale. I really love working with beads. It gave’s so many possibilities, each item can be unique and specially designed for an occasion or your outfit. If you were thinking to try beaded jewellery making for some time I hope this post is going to encourage you to go ahead and start your own beaded jewellery collection or simply use it for your gifts ideas, I’m sure your family and friends will appreciate it.