Happy Birthday – You are 2!

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Happy 2nd Birthday 9

Hi All!

We have another celebration coming up. This is the 2nd birthday of The One With Art. I can’t believe time has passed so fast and I’m so proud because we did grow with number of views and fans, so thanks to all of you. Some of you were with me from the first day and some of you joined me just recently but all of you are amazing public!

Happy 2nd Birthday 7Let’s have more fun with all of our creations and believe me I truly love what I do!

Happy 2nd Birthday 5Again Happy Birthday and cake was delicious!


Pomegranate Tree

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Pomagranet tree 6Welcome back after a short break with my posts. I’m really sorry about that and I truly couldn’t wait to get on writing this one for you.

I have completed this acrylic painting of a pomegranate tree for a person who is very dear to me. All process of painting brought me lots of pleasure and I trust you are going to like it as well. I have mentioned it on the earlier posts, but I think it is worth saying again how easy is to paint with acrylic paints. It dries fast, so each layer can be applied short after finishing first one. Colours are bright and vibrant, I would say very spontaneous and happy.

To start following this step by step tutorial prepare canvas, brushes, acrylic paints, water and some pieces of soft fabric for cleaning and drying your brushes.

pomagranet treeIt is always good to start with under-painting. Some artists like to impose themselves and throw their vision on canvas but I prefer some structure and more organized approach. My paintings appear in my head much earlier before I touch the brush. I have a clear plan what to paint, how and what colors I will take.

Another layer will smooth out it out even more….. pomagranet tree (1)

I have set this landscape to show Kurdish land with all the hills and trees growing on them, with green grass and feeling of warm weather around.

Central element of my painting is the pomegranate tree. But watch carefully how it comes to life.

Pomagranet tree 3First we need to paint structure of trunks and branches from the bottom to the top.

I have made it as open as possible because I’m going to cover all seasons of the year and paint all faces of the tree. Pomagranet tree 4I know this is maybe much to put on one canvas but pomegranate tree is so beautiful each part of the year I couldn’t make my mind which one to pick for my painting.

When you look at the tree from left to the right you will see bare branches of winter season without any leafs and any life in it. Then tree is changing, thick juicy leafs growing, it expands to the right side of the painting with darkening sheds of Pomagranet tree 5green.

Finally tree gets orange flowers in April and May to transform them later in the summer in fruit which is first in the light green color and then goes in to yellow. It is reaching deep red sometime in September or October. It is unbelievable how those thin branches band right to the ground under the weight of fruit which are bursting with sweet juices.Pomagranet tree 7

How fantastic tree is that? Those slim branches doesn’t break… It has another meaning for me. Our life is kind of like this tree.
We have to be very strong and flexible to carry weight of our life experience accumulated over the years and don’t break down.

How do you like expressing so deep feeling in the painting? I find it very refreshing for my soul and I’m sure you can find much more of meaningful art around you. If you like my pomegranate tree and it’s message presented in acrylic paints please give a star to this post.

Pomagranet tree 8