I thought that was the perfect idea for my next abstract oil painting. Yellow Daisy oil painting on a dark background should look spectacular next to my water lily don’t you think? I have started with a sketch.Then I have added a black background and had to do it twice to cover it perfectly even.Then I have painted a layer of cyan blue which is very transparent and made this super deep and background looks actually very dark blue not black at all. I have also painted medium yellow underpainting for daisies pedals. Now I started adding al of the highlights and lowlights on the individual pedals along with shades of those pedals which are in front of the others. Little by little, pedal by pedal. This is a bit better picture and you can see the color of background too and few pedals more with all of their distinctive lines.Now I just added green heart to it and this little yellow daisy can keep our eyes happy. We all know that a picture makes for a thousand of words so I will stop talking and let you enjoy the view 😉