What do you do on long fall weekends?
Some people like to sit in front of the TV, some like to put a puzzle together or read a book. They are not bad ideas but I highly recommend to try your hands on something special which you could be proud of and even hang in your living room – or at least your kitchen. 🙂
Fall colors are bringing so much inspiration and ideas. My imagination goes wild with all those yellows, reds and brown shades. I have not prepared a step by step presentation yet but I would like to show a few of my pieces which you may like to copy (for your private use only) and I will provide support with some theory on composition and step by step tutorials for something simple and yet striking. 🙂One of my favorites oil paintings. I have called her Aphrodite but this may not be a very fortunate choice. Nevertheless , the idea came to me kind of in a dream, and the next day I went for a walk, took a pictures of nature around me and picked some leaves and roses which were on their “last legs” anyway. Then I drew it all on the canvas, filling gaps with different kind of shapes imitating all of the fall life I have managed to collect. Then I studied the colors and lines. It took me a year to finish it off but I have to admit I’m not very fast with my painting and sometimes it takes a while to just took at it and find those small details or shapes of shadows which should be added or painted more deeply. This may be the beginning of your imagination about fall colors and shapes 🙂
This one was inspired by an old postcard which I don’t have anymore but I remember it from my childhood. The composition is simple, maybe too simple, but there is something hidden in the painting which makes it very funny to me because it reminds me how we, as a kids, used to dream about little fairies from the forest. If you look carefully there is one sitting on the edge of the vase.
Hehehe and this is an old one! Painted about 10 years ago. I had this annoying empty space of wall in my kitchen. I really had to do something with it. The painting took not more than 40 minutes. I was surprised how many of my friends really like it and were even trying to nick it 🙂 I guess it could fit on many small empty walls. I have decided to put it on this post to show how something so simple and not really demanding in time, supplies and special preparations can make an impression on viewers and give you pleasure while you’re creating it.
Now, go on and start creating your own fine art fall project.
Happy ideas, big or small, hunting for fall colors!