Hi Sewies! Today we will work on another awesome sewing project. I will have it in a mini scale for my daughter but you can use the design and make something lovely for yourself. Cold days have come so we should get onto those warm and soft sewing ideas right away! I have prepared the materials I would like to use (or rather my daughter would like me to use:)) Then I drew the whole project to keep the picture of my imagination consistent with the creation.
Once all of the pieces where cut I separated them per units: sleeves, back, front and collar. Then I starts with the slews. I have ruffled edge of bigger square and connected to the smaller. There are few ways of doing it. You can make frequent ruffle all the way thru the edge or do it like me with three bigger double-sided folds.
I sewed it thru and then zig-zagged the edges. After that I ruffled the bottom end of the sleeve and added the pink lining (sewed thru and zig-zagged the edges). You have to make sure both fabrics are on the left side and then you can simply sew thru the whole length of it and zig-zag again.
You can already see the shape of the sleeve and once you’ve pulled the ivory fabric over the pink it will look like that:
Perfect! Once we have both sleeves done we need to get onto the front and back. I started with the back.
We follow the exact same procedure as with the sleeves. I did five folds on both sides and sewed it thru, then I ruffled the bottom and added the pink lining. The width of the lining is similar to the width of the top par, which makes it all look proportional, and the ruffled section has just enough extra material to look neat and puffy. Then again the same procedure with each part of the front.
Once the pieces are all together in their own groups I connected them length-wise on each side, the lining parts together and then each front with side to the back. Once you finish and fold it on top of each other you will see the result.
The next step was to sew each set of the shoulder section with each other from the inside. You have probably noticed by now that all of the stitching is going on the inside and we will carry on this way. Nothing should be visible on the outside. The next step is to sew in the sleeves. Lining with lining and prime fabric with prime fabric. This is a bit tricky but still can be done on the inside; you just have to be careful with the other pieces of material so they don’t get sewn in together with the sleeves 🙂 Take your time and make sure you are doing it right. It doesn’t matter which fabric will be sewn together first. I started with the lining thinking it would be easier for me to turn it; and this way I will get some practice before I touch the thicker material.
Ok, now both sleeves are in and I can start working on the collar. This is really simple. I prepared a satin fold to make the design more interesting and bring this brighter color closer to the face. I put it in half length-wise and then sewed thru with 1 cm folds along. If you would like some other solution and maybe ready products which you can buy in fabric stores that is ok, your design doesn’t have to be exactly like mine. It is still important to have the stitching nicely hidden inside, so I have put both pieces of collar right side in and with a fold between them.
We will sew it only on the outside of it. You can see how it looks like inside right now.
Then, once it is sewn thru and zig-zagged for security of the fabrics we can turn the whole collar inside out and it is ready.
If you like you can still sew it around and I guess this is what we can see on the “shop clothes” but I have decided not skip this process as top stitching may not look as good as bottom while going thru so many layers of material.
Now I will do the same on the right side of the front, all the length down. We will need an additional piece of fabric to have a fold in between them and also to manage to finish off for the front pieces.
This is left side and below you can see right side once it is turned.
Now we can put this together with the lining underneath. Again the sewing will be a bit tricky but it is do-able and will look very neat.
In this picture I have already pinned in the collar to see how it will all come together but I had to removed again in order to sew both sides of the front and have them finished.
Since there was still a lot of space from the top of the jumper I had no problem to push the material thru the sewing machine and have a very professional finish. The last step is the collar. I decided to sew it from inside again but it was possible only on one side, so I did it from the front.
I ran it on the machine as much as I could and where it is important for a perfect look in all those places which are easy to see.
The last piece had to be done by hand. I used the right color of the thread to make it as invisible as possible. Now the buttons. I used those Cover or Cobrir buttons. The instructions were straight forward. First cut a circle shape from the fabric.
Put it over the white rubber cup, press thru the metal cup.
Then I covered all with the back of the button and pressed with small blue cup. All is done! The buttons can go on the material.
That was fun! We will do it again soon! if you have any questions please let me know as I’m not sure if I have described each element and step fully and clearly. See you soon!