How is your carnival going on? Did you all celebrate it? I’m was always fascinated with the carnival of South America, so many vibrant colors and costume designs! To have little sense of it I came up with Sparkle Ball Bracelet which is a mini version of shiny jewelry which carnival guests normally wear.The most important element is to capture as much of sparkle as possible. I’m not sure if I did it but I still like the result quite a lot.
We have to start with your favorite beads in the silver or gold color (whichever you prefer). More of elements will be better and more interesting.
First, you have to cut longer wire, about 40 cm, feed it through a metal bead and one part of the locker. Then press the bead to close it tight on the wire. Now you can feed first seed beads on each side of the wire (10 each for medium size).
Cross the wires through charm and crystal bead which is set as the heart of it. Then add another 10 (or more) seed beads on each wire and cross it on some really standing out. I have added metal “frozen” bead. Then you go on with seed beads again.
Cross the wire through the charm and crystal bead in the middle.
Then I have set different type of charm in the middle with a little heart attached. It looks so beautiful 🙂
Then you have to carry on until you have enough of repetition to complete all bracelet. Then lock it again by pressing on the metal bead again.
Sparkle Ball Bracelet is a perfect fit for any carnival festivities you can imagine. I have picked silver which is quite neutral and can match most of your outfits but you can also go with gold or any other color combination but you have to remember to make it as sparkle as possible.