Easy Bibs Tutorial

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When the little one has arrived and you think everything is absolutely prepared and ready you may realize that something very essential is missing. Yes, I forgot to prepare bibs for my little one, or rather I thought I’m not going to need them. Hehe… now this thought is rather funny and I’m in a big rush to come up with a few nice bibs so we can get all those spills and burbs with content under control.

Since the baby is taking most of my time I have to come up with some simple and fast ideas for bibs. This is how I have created this Fast Bibs Tutorial, just in case if one of you is in a terrible rush as well.

I have a few designs to present and you can easily make them by hand if you don’t have a sewing machine.

For each of them we will need about 5 to 10 minutes, unless you do it by hand; then maybe 20-25 minutes will be needed.

The first one is in the shape of an oval.

bibs 2I used this towel underneath and soft fabric on top.

bibs 3I zigzagged both fabrics all around to prevent moving before I added wide double folded tape. You can leave longer ends to tie into a bow on the back or on the side, or you can add a little snap to clip it on.

bibs 4Since my baby is still very little and I would not like to have something tied on the back of her neck (as she is lying down for most of the time) I moved tie to the side.

bibs 5The next bib idea is more fancy and even simpler. I took square shaped soft fabric, folded it all around, then folded it in half and added a snap at the back. This bib looks like a wild Western necktie.

bibs 9The last one which I prepared has also an oval shape but with additional fabric around the neck and a piece of Velcro at the back. This one protects the best.

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If you have some other easy bibs tutorials to share please let me know and I will add them to this post.

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