Muslim Fest 2014

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Welcome to 2014 Muslim Fest presentation.

Muslim Fest 2014It was so amazing to be here again and experience so big event and exposure.

All of the artists worked hard to prepare fantastic art and present it in best possible way. My only complain would be space usage on the exhibit. We were limited to 5 items of art only but there was actually much more space which could be used and we could easily fit in 7 or 8 pieces each. I think it is going to be my recommendation for next year.

Muslim Fest 2014b

Kids section shined with Parya’s artwork which made us very proud!

Muslim Fest 2104a

I was so happy to see interest in my paintings. Business cards were disappearing from the table. I hope that all of you who have pick them up will be my new viewers on line.

Exhibit was an exiting event and I’m thinking already what to show next year.

See you again on Muslim Fest and for those who didn’t make it this year please try in 2015, you are going to love it.

Muslim Fest 2014, 5.0 out of 5 based on 3 ratings