Baby Cloths – First Trip Home

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I’m keep thinking abut all of the emotions to come when our new-born baby girl will arrive at home.

This is going to be very special day for all of us so we will need special fancy clothes for this first time ever tip back home.

I have designed baby hat and little baby dress very simple and very fashionable I would say šŸ™‚ You can followĀ the instructions below and make your own.

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First you need to cut the desired shape for the hat. I’m making it half ovalĀ and half rectangular. I’m using French seam to keep it nicely finished inside out and to avoid irritating edges for little head.

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I have made some gathering to build up volume on the top. Then I have finished theĀ front edge with some decorative tape.

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A few small folds on the sides and on the back for final shape and a double folded tape to finish bottom edge and at the same time have two strings to tai it down under baby’s chin.

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I used this old top for new born babies to shape out top part of the dress.

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We will need two comfy sleeves so I have made them wider and then we can gatherĀ it around the wrists with decorative elastic.

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I followed usual steps to put all pieces together.

We startĀ from connecting the front and the back on the top of the shoulders.

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Then we sew in each sleeve and add stretched elastic on the other end.

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After that we can fold it in half and sew all the way thru from the end of the sleeve to the bottom of the top.

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I have added double folded tape all around the Ā front edges and neck and purple hippo embroidery for decoration.

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The top corner should have aĀ button and the whole but you can also use snaps which are easy to get in any fabric store.

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The bottom skirt is simply folded piece of fabric with French seam to hide it all, and I have also sew it thru again so it is flat against back of the dress.

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Add tape on each side half way thru the dress so you can keep it in place and that is it!

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An adorable little dress and the hat for first trip back home for baby girl.

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Baby Cloths - First Trip Home, 5.0 out of 5 based on 7 ratings

One thought on “Baby Cloths – First Trip Home

  1. VA:F [1.9.22_1171]
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    VA:F [1.9.22_1171]
    Rating: 5.0/5 (1 vote cast)

    Beautiful stuff šŸ™‚

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